Thursday, December 02, 2010

Google Editions... by the end of this year

Google Editions is apparently poised to become available "by the end of this year, for sure", per an article in this week's Wall Street Journal which says:

"Google Editions hopes to upend the existing e-book market by offering an open, "read anywhere" model that is different from many competitors. Users will be able to buy books directly from Google or from multiple online retailers—including independent bookstores—and add them to an online library tied to a Google account. They will be able to access their Google accounts on most devices with a Web browser, including personal computers, smartphones and tablets."


  1. James McQuivey, an analyst at Forrester, said that Kindle for the Web "is all the more reason to say that cloud-based reading is not a strong differentiator for Google on the consumer side."

    McQuivey said Amazon has about two-thirds of the e-book market. "I don't expect that to really change," he said, even with Google's announcement.

    "In the long run, Google eBooks may just convert more people to e-reading who may then go on to buy a Kindle," McQuivey added.

    Interesting perspective...I just assumed Google Editions would blow Amazon away.


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