TL NING: For those of us who connect, teach, share, and lead in new information landscapes.
Rocking The New Year!
Sept 10th -- 7pm Central Time ZoneGuests: Gwyneth Jones, Tiffany Whitehead, & Jennifer LaGarde
Here is the calendar for the full the dates on your calendar:
Here's a handy resource for developing your PLN:
Jennifer LaGarde'snew PLN Starter Kit -includes her LiveBinder -from Joyce's SLJ 7/19 blog post-a resource for educators who are ready to start building a Personal Learning Network but who just don’t know where to start. I simply cannot say enough about how my PLN has shaped my thinking, helped me grow as an educator and, to be blunt, made me a happier person. It’s absolutely maddening to know that something has made an indelible, life changing and permanent impact on my life and not be able to say “here’s how you can have the same experience!”
TL Virtual Cafe Webinar Series Calendar
I hope to capture the main ideas of theTL Virtual Cafe session tonight. There will be a text chat archive on the TL Ning later which will capture comments of the participants. Visit the TL Wiki to get more information on these free webinars.
1. Celebrate reading and readers -- book pass & make a prioritized list (keep them in the library on paper --old school style; kids write post it notes; QR codes for new reviews "Find this at the library", and Twitter sized reviews
2. nurture and inspire new teachers-- go to them; go slowly; use supporting & supportive notes; send them emails, wikis and web pages
3. crowd source and connect more with my community-- use blogging, wiki pages, Facebook page, LiveBinders, Google forms (tell us what you want), Twitter, Polls to take "this year's temperature" (Poll Daddy)
4. connect with my PLN--
5. Improve my blog - Edublog software
1. Adjusting to a new library space (middle school): big use of quotations; wordles; decorate it so that it's the best-looking room in the school; students should feel comfortable. Use Cricut cutting machine (die-cut machine), vinyl peel back letters; use a laser level.
2. Genre shelving: with both fiction and non-fiction; completely veered away from Dewey (more like book store layout); spine labels clearly labelled. Easy exploring for students. Start with the fiction and keep your students in mind. All signs are posted on Flickr so that you can use these and post them.
3. Let your professionalism shine and dress for success. Put up your diplomas & teaching certificates.
4. Schoology: learning management system --to teach digital citzenship ; also use Common Sense Media.
5. Book Therapy: focus on literacy and reading. Read more to do better book talking and make reading suggestions; make book displays. Make time to talk to kids about books.
6. Set goals: for your interactions with students, with teachers, and for your own professional development; push the envelope with school policy such as cell phones.
Moderator: Jennifer LaGarde (Library Girl!):
1. Exploring 21st Century learning - game based learning "Level Up"; 5 million students admit to playing 45 hours of video games per week. We need more "epic wins"...students experience extreme joy with the accomplishment of learning.
2. Staff development - Teach other teachers about game based learning with goals that align to features of good games, e.g. a clear goal, clear rules, system of feedback (using Edmodo), teachers earn badges "dude, where's my badge?" & voluntary participation. Experience the Edmodo environment from the viewpoint of a student.
3. Face to face meetings for staff development with teachers. This allows them to also schedule library time.
Moderator: Joyce Valenza: Never Ending Search & Springfield Township High School Library
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