It was certainly exciting to meet Joyce Valenza at the Illinois Library conference (ISLMA). See all ISLMA presentation handouts! ...her presentation not only motivates me to explore more tools for students to make/create stuff but also to think about re-imagining our library facility.
Valenza effectively drives home the point that our libraries are not just for
finding stuff. We need to evolve to a library where students come to create projects and share their work.
So, how do we direct transliterate learning?
First, Joyce spoke about digital citizenship and promoting compassion for others to prevent harassment and hurtful messages on social media.
The tricky thing is that in trying to manage kids' digital profiles we have obscured their academic profiles.
Valenza explains that must move in a direction where kids share work with their names on and pictures embedded. An positive academic digital footprint is necessary because teachers need to be involved with teaching their students "how to navigate in mediated public landscapes". "Public is the new default".
College admissions are not only looking at kids on social networking sites, but are also looking to evaluate what types of contributions they have made online. Human resources are looking to see "who you are online". So, we need to our students to use people search tools to look at their online profiles.
Experiment with and expose your students these tools:
- pipl --one of the most comprehensive people search tools on the web
- Set up a "Me alert" for Google on Me on the Web --to get notification of what's online under your name
- Rebel Mouse --a tool which aggregates everything done on social media.
Important reads:
Howard Rheingold's Net Smart --must have for your library curriculum
Sherry Turkle -
We need to teach about respect for intellectual property. Essential read:
Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries
Tools for Transliterate Learning:
Tools for Transliterate Learning:
Noodle tools is a favorite tool
Mendeley - reference manager and academic social network --remarkable place to store your own research has new taxonomy of new types of plagiarism
While meant to be a helpful resource finder, student use of the Research tab on Easy bib is becoming problematic because kids are taking others' bibs & ignoring library resources --they are even copying others' annotations.
Libraries should teach students about the use of Creative Commons - a shared culture. Everytime students produce media online, they should put Creative Commons licensing on their own work using the embed code!
see LibGuide of Creative Commons resources - please attribute to Valenza
FLICKR Creative Commons image page
FLICKR Blue Mountains
matrix of images--image editor there (one stop-shopping) - (Images from Flickr Creative Commons)Wylio is the fastest way to find free pictures for your blog. Millions of free, legal, pictures are available from online sources citation comes with image.
FLICKR Storm - better for younger children
Can create a tray of images for them to select
See libguide for more image resources.
Jamendo - copyright free music - 370,000 tracks
Not all images are found in the Creative Commons area. Let's teach our students that it is OK to use copyright images if you follow codes of fair use. If the media is repurposed and if the use is transformative, it is OK to use that nugget of information or media to tell another story.
What's new in Search?-- new stuff to show your students:
- new favorite instagrok! -- "what would you like to learn about"? --a new search tool designed to help users learn about a topic by facilitating the finding of context and educational content. Good brainstorming -topic selection tool. Go Grokking to find key words.
- Teach Google results list
- image search --click on camera and it will identify photos - does not do facial recognition
- Wolfram Alpha - computational engine --all sorts of graph generation
- Mashpedia for current news ---helps discover the #hashtag they need to do twitter searching
- TV NeWS Search and Borrow--archives TV news--for news clip --search by hashtag and it gives you the transcript
Do not demonize wikipedia --use the right tool for the right task
Tutorials - Cooperative Library Instruction Project
(CLIP) --another tool videos on using info literacy stuff --tutorials on many topics and a libguide template of tutorials to use from Western Oregon UniversityTips for evaluating truth in Wikipedia from Debbie Alcock
Use featured articles as a starting point!
ANNOTATED citations are necessary and a must for high school
who wrote it? why did they write it? and how will it help me argue my case?
New primary sources
United Nations History Project --primary sources
Twiplomacy --world leaders tweeting (or official offices)
Information is not the destination --teach them how to think like detectives, reporters, scientists, citizens of the world
Read Henry Jenkins on participatory culture - audience changes everything. Students need to be creating for authentic audiences/purposes
We need to recognize creative thought
Have students make own infographics!
Rubrics ---for multimedia projects on Digitales
CREATE "maker space" in your library - hang over new counter tops to put high stools around reference stacks; add electrical outlets
Making stuff is the killer app! Are you honoring your filmmakers and storytellers?
Lend out portable blue/green screens
Have conversations about books within your catalogs
see also: YALSA TEEN book finder - a free app to help teens, parents, librarians and library staff, educators, and anyone who loves YA literature access to the past three years' of YALSA's awards and lists on their smartphone.
Students need to collect information in new containers
play with Mentor Mob --creates a learning playlist - a way to curate content
The overall goal in transliteracy is to allow students to gain the skills they need in order to navigate the world. Can our students make brave decisions? Can they lead?
Joyce Valenza's presentation on Curation Tools is also linked.
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