Thursday, July 02, 2009

Noodle Tools Update at end of July

Looks like we'll start the new school year with teaching the MLA 7th ed. updates as Noodle Tools will be incorporating those changes at the end of July.

The following updates are scheduled for 7/31 - 8/2/09 (exact date/time TBD):

1. MLA 7th ed. update
2. Chicago/Turabian legal citation forms
3. Notecards update --see the Noodle Tools blog to view dramatic changes in the Notecards feature. Looks pretty slick and more student friendly. I think they will like the outline feature and the ability to "populate" the outline by dragging notecards.

1 comment:

  1. Judy,

    David Pogue here - Weird as I know this is, I'm so happy to have found you, because your entry for my Twitter book was chosen, and you get a free book! This isn't a scam, I promise - you really won!

    If you wouldn¹t mind, just go here:

    ...and then input your PogueCode, which is jud855. Provide your shipping
    address for the book and your permission, and we¹re all set!

    Thanks again for participating!



Comments pending approval.