Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Post Conference Conversations with danah boyd & Marco Torres

Joyce Valenza interviewed Marco Torres at the Charlotte AASL Conference.
Marco Torres presents classroom innovation, the power of digital media in the classroom, and how to empower students & teachers to add value to learning by using today's cool tools and resources.

View some of Torres' resources: Flick School - a tools/tips page for audio/video production and digital storytelling. A new resource is the Documenting Wiki webpage which offers ideas for documenting using video, photography, and audio.

danah boyd speaks to the importance of being present in kid's lives online: NeverEndingSearch blog. Unfortunately the audio was barely heard on the interview tape. The most important thing I take away from this is to unblock social media sites to enable adults/teachers to help students navigate social media and figure out how to live successfully in a networked world.

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