Sunday, March 07, 2010

How will ebooks impact the reader and the experience of reading?

In an upcoming AM Exchange, we'll be discussing ebooks. As food for thought I ran across the these posts linked to Library Junction: Online Social Network of the Library. Librarian Kendriya Vidyalaya Pattom from India who has launched a ning platform for its online social network.

Worth reading: a discussion forum on Can a School Library Be Replaced by E-Readers?

Pradeep Sebastian's article: Are eBooks the Future?

From the editors of the New York Times: Does the Brain Like E-Books? Read this series of essays by:
Alan Liu, English professor
Sandra Aamodt, author, “Welcome to Your Brain”
Maryanne Wolf, professor of child development
David Gelernter, computer scientist
Gloria Mack, professor of informatics

Understanding the Ebook Consumer: The Results of the BISG Consumer Survey: a well-organized conference presentation PPT of the first 2 parts of a 3 part survey which gives recent data regarding book consumers’ actual interest in and preferences for digital content, or the factors that influence their reading habits and purchasing decisions.

Library Junction is a community building Ning, something our library should consider as our library web presence continues to evolve.

1 comment:

  1. Here is what looks like a helpful link on digital textbooks (I also made this comment in response to April 10's Searching On Google post:

    Here's a recent (2/23/10) one with an extensive bibliography:


Comments pending approval.