Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Google Wave now available to all

Have you tried Google Wave? If not, Google just opened it to everyone. Here are a few examples of using Google Wave, including one to collaborate on an epic poem.

What do you think? How could/should we use this? Will it replace Google Docs for some of our teachers/students? I have to confess to having had an invite and never using it, but maybe it's worth another look?

1 comment:

  1. Larry Ferlazzo's blogged about the idea of using WAVE: have a backchannel discussion --In Wave you can play back the entire course of a conversation. This option could be useful for students who were absent.Being able to add images, maps, and videos into a Wave makes Wave more than just a chat or email service. Online conversations could take on a new depth when more media is introduced.


Comments pending approval.