Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Options

In between planning for and helping teach a couple of classes a day at summer school, I have been trying to do some reading and thinking. Here's a few ideas worth exploring:

I am reading the book Is the Internet Changing the Way you Think? This series of essays by Edge contributors (about 150 in all) has a new perspective to offer on every page.

As to online articles and posts, everything seems to have a number in the title and it is a bit overwhelming, but choose one to explore -- you have PLENTY of options:

* From THE Journal: "6 Technologies that Will Change Education" and

* From MindShift Blog: "5 Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) for Educators"

* Shelley Terrell's "What will You Learn this Summer? 26 Professional Development Resources"

* Richard Byrne list "77 Web Resources for Teachers to Try This Summer".

* Laura Turner's "20 Technology Skills every Educator Should Have" is from Tech & Learning and pretty daunting (she needed to publish a part 2 and part 3 - which I saw on, but the breadth of links is amazing.

And in many ways it all started with Joyce Valenza's "How to retool yourself - a road map of at least 15 ways" or Helen Blowers' 23 Things which Alicia Duell will be reprising in her AASL presentation: "Facilitating Staff-wide “23 Things”-style Web 2.0 Learning Programs in Your School or Organization".

Next on the reading list are Kevin Kelly's What Technology Wants and Eli Pariser's The Filter Bubble. Any ideas to share?

1 comment:

  1. Here is another resource worth exploring from edutopia. I especially like the idea about using to follow a current news story. The TEDtalks critique may be worth mentioning to the speech and debate classes, too.


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