Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Keynote Session at NICE

Robert J. Marzano, PhD, is cofounder and CEO of Marzano Research Laboratory in Englewood, Colorado. [from his website] A leading researcher in education, he is a speaker, trainer, and author of more than 30 books and 150 articles on topics such as instruction, assessment, writing and implementing standards, cognition, effective leadership, and school intervention. His books include Designing & Teaching Learning Goals & Objectives, District Leadership That Works, Formative Assessment & Standards-Based Grading, On Excellence in Teaching, and The Art and Science of Teaching.

Listening to "Classroom Instruction and the Infusion of Technology" with Robert Marzano - from Marzano Research Laboratory. He's presenting research on how whiteboard technology improves student achievement. Guess what Marzano sells?
Does anyone have a problem with this at the conference? He's got a comprehensive set of products to sell. Although he is a good speaker and probably a competent researcher, I definitely have a problem with this as a keynote to the conference.
You could ask, what's the difference between "selling your books" [David Warlick] and selling classroom technology? He has "free resources" on his site in the form of school data/evidence; classroom tools; resources; PPT presentations, etc.

What do you think about blurring the lines between educational presentations and marketing?

1 comment:

  1. I like Marzano's approaches to and philosophies of education. While much can be implemented in any type of classroom, and quite easily, sometimes his thoughts are a bit theoretical.
    In almost every article I've read, there seems to be a point of sale or marketing as well, unfortunately.

    From what I've read, he could have a dynamic keynote - just about education, students, and classrooms. And that could have been a big selling point in so many ways.


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