Friday, February 26, 2010

Steve Dembo session: The Power of Glass Schools

Steve Dembo is such a great presenter. Yesterday's session on digital storytelling was great, so I am back for more. He's affiliated with Discovery Education. So he's a former educator now promoting multimedia stuff...another blurring of roles. But he does walk the walk and he's definitely not selling products. He's definitely worth following on Twitter.

View his presentation
Carl Fish originated a staff development "Did you know"? Now it's been re-mixed with 120 million views. Started with a simple PPT and now it's a multimedia extravaganza with all manner of other educators, re-mixing and making it more fabulous. He took the time to share this out on his professor Scott McLeod of the Dangerously Irrelevant blog shared it and it went mainstream. The thing is...if you share enough...others will find value in your work. Think about your own skill set and how other educators would benefit from WHAT YOU KNOW!

What does this mean for our students and classrooms? We need to scaffold the social media experience for students starting with kindergartners. Let's not wait until high school.
Examples of teachers doing cool things:
Students are fluent with many technologies such as blogger, YouTube, Facebook, Skype, Twitter, SecondLife, SlideShare, Photostory, Moviemaker. Vicki Davis followed her middle school students as they did projects exploring dozens of technologies to learn. She is the author of the Flat Classroom Project based on Thomas Friedman's The World is Flat.
She wants her students to work across the globe in real time and asynchronously.

Jen Dorman: has much more structure to her projects.

Lisa Parisi: Star Discovery Educator
Podcast using cellphones: GCast. Using mobile podcasting. Students storyboarded podcast and then recorded; published online. Focused entirely on content.

Steve mentioned again the use of the new tool ipadio to do mobile podcasting. This would be a great tool for students to "podcast" in school from the cell phones what they have learned in the library as they progress with their Jr. theme research progress. Can do interviews via 3 way conference call. You can also add a one minutes transcription, title, and key words to your podcast. Students then can subscribe to these feeds via itunes. This doesn't need to be a big deal and all scripted.
Individual accounts are free; space is unlimited.

Maria Knee - Kindergarten teacher. Uses blog for class newsletter adding photos/videos for weekly parent notes. Also included Yackpack! It turns your webpage into a 2 way radio. This opens up page to real time conversations with the class. Parents can pop on and ask how's Tim's cough going? Can open it up during key times during the day. Can have classroom to classroom conversations.
Makes your classroom transparent.

Langhorst's Web Classroom - 8th Grade American History:

Ask an author. An example of a very locked down classroom doing online projects.

Darren Kuropatwa
- blogging classroom notes started simply. Then kids started adding visuals, finding extra sources for daily work then sharing out with the class.
Then daily notes got even more elaborate: converted into graphic novel form. Kids got really creative.
Demonstrate their understanding creatively. They even created a class scribe "Hall of Fame". Scribe Post Hall of Fame for daily AP Calculus notes.

Would it be quite as meaningful behind a firewall?

Jen Wagner She does a wordle of the day and has kids guess the theme.
She has great ways of letting parents have a window into the classroom. It doesn't need to be elaborate. Can be a flip cam loaded up to Teacher Tube/YouTube/Vimeo or OSTube - where you have 100% control of it. It's also 100% free.

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