Thursday, May 27, 2010

Facebook and Privacy: The Privacy War is Not Over

Pete Cashmore [Mashable CEO] now writes for CNN and tells us Why Facebook's Privacy War is Not Over.

Basically, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's vision is "somewhat utopian"; the Facebook argument is that more sharing creates a "better world."

While we are all connecting and trying to create this better world, Facebook is making money with advertisers.
A soon-to-launch feature will allow users to share their location, putting Facebook in competition with burgeoning services such as Foursquare and Gowalla.GPS location is telling everyone exactly WHERE you are RIGHT NOW.  Not exactly addressing privacy concerns.

For those not paying attention and for those not attending to their privacy settings, it's not a good situation.
As educators we need using social media and teaching students about the pitfalls as they increasingly share more information with the world.

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