Thursday, July 08, 2010

CollabTech 2010: Keynote: Social Media, Participative Pedagogy, and Digital Literacies

Howard Rheingold is a visiting lecturer in Stanford University's Department of Communication where he teaches two courses, "Digital Journalism" and "Virtual Communities and Social Media". He is a lecturer in U.C. Berkeley's School of Information where he teaches "Virtual Communities and Social Media" and where he previously taught "Participatory Media/Collective Action".

In this one hour lecture from May 6, 2010 Rheingold speaks about his early ideas of peer-to-peer learning and how he envisioned it in the mid-1990s. Now all those multi-media participatory experiences are available freely on the web. The collective voice of the classroom (group discussions/forums) is now what's important. Teaching each other is what students find to be exciting in today's classroom. Building knowledge together is now built upon chat & twitter which have become powerful backchannels to face-to-face classroom interactions.

Don't assume that all your students are fluent with all the web 2.0 technologies. To develop your own learning, be sure to follow Howard Rheingold's Twitter feed. If you want to keep up, don't just keep up with the tools, keep up with the five literacies:
attention, participation, cooperation/collaboration, critical consumption (CRAP detection) and network awareness.

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