Thursday, March 15, 2012

"Apple hasn't quite delivered on the promise of the 'post-PC world' yet with the iPad."

A thoughtful examination of the iPad from ReadWrite Web: "Two Years With the iPad:  Was it Worth it?"

Did the early adopters get their money's worth? 

"Consume-Only":  This is the most worrisome thing in terms of adopting this in a 1:1 model for schools.  Why not just get inexpensive laptops?

From:   / March 15, 2012 
"Most of my iPad usage is read-only. That is, I use Reeder extensively to skim RSS/Atom feeds. I browse the Web anywhere in the house. I play games, read eBooks and watch movies. But for creating content? Not so much."
As RWW founder Richard MacManus wrote last year in his conclusion, the iPad "really is about consumption."
Another thing, if I were to buy one, I wouldn't consider getting it without the 3G connectivity.  My Kindle Fire is pretty worthless away from home.  I would expect that the same is true of the iPad without 3G/LTE functionality (which they are apparently overcharging for!).

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