Thursday, September 30, 2010

eBook Summit reactions

I am still processing all of the learning from yesterday's Library Journal & School Library Journal eBook summit - and looking forward to having the full archive posted soon. School Library Journal's summary is linked here.

The Twitter feed (#ebooksummmit) was amazing - honestly, it was the first time that I had experienced reading the feed as someone was speaking and I was excited to see that attendees were actively sending summary tweets so that librarians who could not be at the webinar could still "hear" and learn from what was being said.

Here are links to others' reactions:
No Shelf Required
Librarian in Black


Linda Straube (Ms. S) said...

For future reference: Library Journal link and Lankes' post on his keynote.

Linda Straube (Ms. S) said...

Another article from Sue Polanka (No Shelf Required)